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Register to attend our upcoming Digital Discovery training sessions to learn about The Post and Courier E-Paper, the digital replica of your newspaper.

We will go over how to read and use the E-Paper on your mobile device, tablet or laptop/desktop computer. The sessions feature hands-on training and you will be introduced to all the features the E-Paper offers. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions with our trainers.

All sessions are free but registration is required.

Be sure to bring your own device for the event (Mobile phone, tablet and/or computer). 

Before you attend, here’s what you need to access The Post and Courier E-Paper:

1.     Email address
2.     Device to view the E-Paper with internet, Wi-Fi or mobile data (smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop)
3.     Activate your Post and Courier digital access using the same email address associated with your subscription

Helpful links to know:
Visit the E-Paper website
E-Paper tutorial videos
Mobile App download instructions and how-to

*Additional trainings will be added soon.

Please note that dates/times and locations for sessions are subject to change.

For virtual sessions: a link will be sent to you prior to the start of the training so that you can join.
For in-person sessions: please arrive 30 minutes early to log in to the WiFi you'll need and set up in time for the training.

Visit The Post and Courier's website and download the App using your phone's store.

Activate your digital access prior to joining us.

E-Paper Newsletter
Did you know that The Post and Courier offers an E-Paper, which is an exact digital replica of our printed edition? Sign up for daily alerts when the new edition of the E-Paper is available. You'll receive it in your inbox every morning.

Sign Up
General Terms

All items are non-refundable, all sales are final.

Refund Policy

All items are non-refundable under any circumstances.